A Lovely Day–Gratitude Day 20

gratitude quote

This quote was in my journal, and as I sit back thinking about what I did today, I feel full, loved, and happy. It’s hard for me to say that I’m happy. It is often accompanied by a sense of guilt. How can I be happy when I miss Nick so much? How can I be happy when another mom is missing her boy on his 17th birthday? How can I be happy when another mom lost her son today?

In a world that is filled with so much pain and loss, how does gratitude fit in? When I am present to what I am grateful for, it soothes the cuts that life inflicts on me. I do not ask of myself what I am not yet ready to give or do, but being grateful shows me that there is grace in this world. There are positives, and in order to do good and live my life, I need to have hope.

Hope that the world will heal, that those who lost loved ones can find comfort in having loved, that tomorrow will be a better day.

Today I was very present with my husband and son. I was overjoyed to hug Stephen and appreciated spending time with him. We had a great day. And that is enough to be grateful for.

Crazy Apple Picking–Gratitude Day 3


It all started with Olivia wanting to go apple picking when she was home from Miami and grew into a crazy adventure with my soul sister, Iris. When you throw in a ladder and a tractor, you know this isn’t your typical apple picking tradition. (Being the voice of reason once again, Alyssia put an end to the possible tractor ride!)

There’s something nostalgic about apple picking, the family connection, remembering the boys and their cousins going on a hayride, eating tons of apples, and capturing their sugar coated faces in a forever smile.

As much as I wanted to go apple picking, there hasn’t been time, and it’s a lot more fun when you have a group of people.


Luckily I have many adopted daughters who don’t mind me tagging along. At least I provide some comic relief for them!

Today I am grateful for my Cuban family and all the laughter, joy, and craziness they bring into my life. It was a beautiful day. I enjoyed quality time with my girls. Each moment with them keeps me on my toes, because I never know what adventure Iris will lead me on next.

Thank you ladies for making my day special!

Feeling Thankful


It’s just one of those days where I set our early to get a great workout in at G-Box with Brenna, and I feel the difference in my body as I prepare for my next karate belt. I came home to start my work day preparing for my writing class tonight, setting up registration for Nick’s Fight to be Healed’s upcoming fundraisers, finishing the manuscript for my client, and updating my hubby on my workout.

I felt thankful that despite some crankiness in my body, it has sustained me for 50 years, and I am able to be active and competitive in what I physically want to do. I’m grateful that I was able to stay at home with my children, work flexible hours and continue to do that even when we are empty nesters, thus allowing me to get these workouts in. My husband’s hard work has given me the space to be creative in my career and also fulfill my mission of helping children fight cancer. This gift is priceless.

I wanted to let him know how thankful I am.

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I am incredibly grateful and thankful that my boy will be coming home for the summer. He has a local internship, and I am mentally preparing for the constant vibrations of music that will resonate through the first floor. Having Stephen around changes the dynamics of the household, and I can’t wait to have his buds over and feed them! So boys come over hungry for goodness sake! I’m Italian and Greek–never eat before you come to my house!

I’m thankful it’s not snowing! (have to find something good with this weather!) And soon I will be reunited with Harley, and we will ride off into the sunset. Oh yes, my husband will be sure to come along!

Sometimes it’s wonderful to stop and soak in all that is good in your world, all that is sacred and precious. It’s not guaranteed to always be there, so as I pause and reflect, I am very thankful.

What are you thankful for today?

Simply Snow

Depending on your perspective, where you had to be, and how much you like snow, today was either a good or bad day. I watched the news for a bit, and the reporters covered how nice it is for some to stay at home, but emergency technicians have to be out to help others in need. They don’t get a choice and are to be commended for their dedication.

Then on Facebook I saw a video of the City Mission of Schenectady explaining how their shelters are overflowing and volunteers still show up to feed everyone and lend support. They were grateful that they are able to help others and can only do it because of the support they receive from the community.

I’m sure others were very excited about the snow and braved it to go skiing or snow shoeing, and yet others can’t wait until spring and the warm weather comes.

Being forced to stay home was very productive and calming for me. I was able to get a lot done on a project for my foundation and enjoy watching the snow fall and flit around. My dogs enjoyed the snow, well at least Dakota did.

Zoey barely made it off the steps and then ran back in!
Dakota finally came in after he became a snowdon!

As I sit and think about this day and the simplicity of being home, I am thankful for it. I am thankful that I have a warm home to sleep in, that I have food on my table, and that everyone I know is safe.


I am grateful for the brave men and women who risk their lives in this weather to save those who are hurt or ill. For years, my mom was an EMT, and we accepted that at all hours of the night she would get called out for emergencies. It takes a special person to be able to handle the tragedies and be able to focus in such difficult situations. I don’t know how she did it, but I was always very proud of her.

I am thankful for those who dedicate their lives in the service of others, and venture out in this weather so that those who are at a hard point in their lives have hope.

I am always thankful for my wonderful dogs who take life in stride and enjoy every moment whether it’s a blizzard or blazing sunshine!

To everyone who has to travel in the next couple days, be safe!

What are you thankful for today?